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At Manhattan Beach Advisors we believe in treating people the way they want to be treated.

We do this by listening, getting to know you & understanding what's important in your life.

Ultimately, we protect and skillfully manage your assets with the aim of creating personal and continuous generational wealth.

For the aspirational, we transform lives by designing and executing financial plans and master strategies that will create the future of your imagination.

“When I was a boy, I noticed that people talked about money & happiness as if they were mutually exclusive.

Common sayings like:

‘Money doesn’t buy happiness,'

‘Poor people are happy,'

and ‘Rich people are miserable’,

only reinforced this idea.

Through time & experience, it became clear that money and happiness are part of the healthy whole; that building wealth & living a life of well-being are connected in daily living.

The healthier one is, the easier it is to make good decisions and build wealth over time. Similarly, the more wealth one develops, the easier it is to express one’s well-being with ever-increasing options.

Personal well-being is made up of spiritual, mental, physical and financial health.  If one of these is unsound, a person is out of balance.

A healthy, growing person is sound in all aspects of life. The quality of their life is high, and so is their ability to help others and impact their community.

By intentionally evolving, and understanding how the world of money works, each person can become a more informed, financially literate citizen and healthy, effective member of the human community.”

- Nery Gomez